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Friday, August 5, 2011

Book Entry 55: 1963 Dad and the Shoe Shopping Trip

I don’t remember how my dad got the job of taking me on a shopping trip for shoes but he did.  I don’t think I ever went clothes shopping with him other than this one time.  Mom must have been busy with other things and this was an emergency.  Yes, I’m going with the idea it was an “emergency shoe shopping trip.”
  I don’t think the shoes were for anything special but mom had told dad specifically not to get pointed toes because they would be uncomfortable.  When I was trying on shoes I couldn’t decide between several pairs.  I remember asking dad which pair he liked.  A huge grin crept across his face.  He bought me three pairs!  Two pairs had pointed toes!  
I remember hiding in the next room listening to mom try to be mad at dad about buying the shoes.  I got to keep all three pairs!


  1. Your Dad was such a pushover.... What a sweet man. You love of shoes must have started then!!!

    I remember my Dad taking us shopping the Sat. before Easter... New dress, New shoes, it was so fun.

  2. what a wonderful story,, and a happy ending my fav!

  3. Way to go Joyce. Sweet Dad to get you 3 pairs just because....


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